Sunday, July 24, 2011

What I've been up to!

It's been a while since I've update, I've been busy-busy, but I have been making some artwork along the way and I figured I'd share!

(I apologize, all of the photos where taken on my phone!)
Sketchbook-pencil and paper
I've been really into drawing bears, apparently!

I also painted an orange elephant, I took a few photos of the progress, it's still not finished yet!

Oil on wood
And lastly I had a friend get a hold of me to do a painting for his girlfriend, he suggested painted the eiffel tower, so that's what I did! (pretty much done at this point, I added a few more details after I took this picture)

Oil on wood

And that's what I've been doing to keep sane ;)
Hope you guys are enjoying your summer!